1. Cultivate a Growth Mindset Cultivating a growth mindset includes skills to stay relevant, be curious, continuously learn and grow and adapt to change. Role descriptions and tasks often change, especially as digital technologies continually alter the way we work. Your employer will want to know that you’ll be able to pick up new tasks and that you wouldn’t get frustrated when something is difficult or doesn’t work straight away. This includes being resilient and aiming high, being curious and open to new opportunities and feedback. 2. Learn to Earn Learn to Earn skills include the ability to find successfully, apply and interview for a job and to operate effectively within the workforce. These skills are used in many jobs on a day to day basis and include skills such as numeracy, literacy, time management and organisation. 3. Build Tech Know-How In almost every job, you have to use digital devices or technologies in one way or another. Your employer will want to know that you can lea...
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