Project 3:Movie Recomendation using python
Basicly there are two types of recomendation system
- content based filtering
- colaborative filtering
you can google out this and get to know about it
i am here basicly to put down the projects and code
so all what we do is predict the movie for the customer using the angular distance (we can calculate using two method ie. euclidian diatance and angular distance) according to the problem you have to decide which one will be suitable for the project
i think this much description is ell and good lets cary on with the codes
so are you ready?
this is the basic code to get the matrix of the text realation ,i mean the realtion between the words in two sentence.
[[1. 0.8]
[0.8 1. ]]
Download the dataset from ""
so as we are done with the basics ,now lets come up to the new project .
lets combine four columns and make a datasets
above pre requestie understanding can help you.
so here what i did is sent the comand to the user of inputing the movie name
more updation can be done
- like in inputing the movie name we can give try accept statemnt and if some movie is not in the list pop up should be given
- using the mean and average of vote we can recomned most popular movie.
Thank you
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